1. Why choose YMCA Camp Greenknoll?
YMCA Camp Greenknoll gives children an opportunity to unplug, to build confidence, experience a sense of achievement and enjoy the outdoors.
Campers also participate in a variety of activities, including instructional swim, team building and physical activities.
2. When does camp start and end?
Camp will begin on June 23, 2025, and ends on August 22, 2025.
3. Do I have to sign up for all nine weeks?
No. You can sign up for 9 weeks or 1 week. To get a more complete experience, most families sign up for 3 or more weeks.
4. What are the fees for camp?
Camp Rates
January 1st – January 31st
- $300/week Campers with ACTIVE Family Membership*
- $350/week Returning 2024 campers WITHOUT Active Family Membership (Non-Members)
February 1st: Registration is open to Everyone
- $300/week Campers with ACTIVE Family Membership*
- $350/week Non-Members – no active Family Membership
March 1st: Registration rate for all $350/week
April 1st: Registration rate for all $400/week
Counselor in Training (CIT) rates are $214 per week for family members ($172 for the week of July 4) and $264 per week for non-members ($212 for the week of July 4). CITs must be 14 or 15 years old.
A one-time registration fee of $25 per camper, including CITs, applies. Additionally, a $40 per week deposit is required at registration, which is applied to the weekly fees. For example, if registering for four weeks, the upfront total is $185, which includes the registration fee and weekly deposits.
A Regional YMCA FAMILY MEMBERSHIP is defined as 2 adults & children thru 21 years of age living in the same household or a single parent and children thru 21 years of age living in the same household.
A non-member is anyone who does not have a family membership with the Regional YMCA.
5. Why sign up for a Family Membership?
A YMCA Family Membership has its benefits!
- Reduced Fees on Camp Registration Fees- and all programs at the YMCA
- Priority Registration- be the first to sign up and get the camp weeks you want
- Access to our Outdoor Pool during non-camp hours
- Full use of the Greenknoll facility including open gym, cardio and strength training rooms
- Lap Swim and Open/Family Swim in 3- year round pools
- Free Group Exercise programs
- Access to free family events and more!
6. When do I need to have my finalized weeks into the camp?
All weeks must be finalized by May 16th. Any Change after May 16th will result in a forfeiture of your $40 per week deposit.
7. What are the Hours?
7:30 AM to 6:00 PM
8. What are the themes for this summer?
Week 1 6/23/25 Enchanted
Week 2 6/30/25 Party in the USA (closed 7/4)
Week 3 7/07/25 Around the World
Week 4 7/14/25 Color Wars
Week 5 7/21/25 Camp Carnival
Week 6 7/28/25 Camp Show
Week 7 8/04/25 Pirate Adventure
Week 8 8/11/25 Amazing Race
Week 9 8/18/25 Wild, Wild West
9. How are the children divided into groups?
YMCA Camp Greenknoll campers are placed in groups based on grade they will be entering into in the fall of 2025. Campers in Pre-K to grade 4 will be Coed. There are a limited amount of campers in each group. Campers in Pre-K to 2nd grade have a minimum ratio of 1 staff to 9 campers and for campers in 3rd grade and up the ratio will be 1 staff to 12 campers.
10. Why are the groups Co-Ed?
At Camp Greenknoll, the coed structure allows campers to interact naturally, building healthy social skills and mutual respect by seeing each other as individuals. This inclusive setting nurtures real friendships and essential social skills for future growth.
We’re dedicated to an environment of diversity, inclusion, and community, where campers form meaningful bonds through shared experiences, trust, and respect—fostering friendships that last a lifetime.
11. What are the groups?
The groups are Pre- K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth/Ninth. There can be more than one group per grade.
12. What should I pack for camp?
- Sunscreen – please apply before attending camp. Campers will have the opportunity to reapply during the day.
- Lunch – lunch must be brought from home daily. Lunch is stored a refrigerator until lunch time.
- Refillable water bottle – water bottles will be refilled throughout the day.
- Bathing suit, towel – for swim, some families will send in flip flops and googles.
- Some other extras that people prefer to pack are a change of clothes, sandals/pool shoes, hats and on somedays a sweatshirt/raincoat.
Definitely remember to LABEL everything!
13. Do you provide transportation to YMCA Camp Greenknoll?
No. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian.
14. What do I do if I need to pick up my child early?
You must come into the office and sign out your child. A note is always helpful. Please give your camper amply time to get to the office.
15. I need to be at work early. What can I do?
To meet the needs of families, campers may be dropped at camp at 7:30 AM and picked up no later than 6:00 PM.
16. May I come to visit my child at camp?
Parents coming to visit their camper while at camp has always been welcomed. If concerns arise or special issues need to be addressed, parents are encouraged to call the camp office.
17. If I am unable to pick my child up in person, what is the procedure?
In the case where you cannot pick up your child and someone else will, we ask that you inform the office. An email or fax stating to full name of the person may be sent. Your child’s safety is important to us. Unknown persons will be asked to present an I.D. to camp staff. If a camper is using a transportation service for pick up, we will need the name of the transportation service and we will ask the driver for a copy of their ID and may take a photo of the driver’s ID.
18. Is there an emergency phone number?
YMCA Greenknoll Camp phone number is 203.775.9363. Someone is always available in the office during camp hours.
19. My child takes medication, what do I do?
As a licensed camp, we must follow strict guidelines. You must fill out an Authorization for Medication form and give the medication to a camp staff or first aid provider in the original container, physician’s name, and dosage and expiration date. The medication is locked up and a trained staff will administer the prescription per instructions from you and your physician. The Authorization for Medication form must also be signed by your child’s physician and by you. In some cases an Individual Care Plan will be needed.
20. Does my child need lunch every day?
Yes, Campers should bring a brown bag type lunch, which will be stored in large lunch bags and brought to the walk in cooler until lunchtime. Clearly mark the campers name on lunch bags. No glass containers!!! Any food allergies your child has should be indicated on the medical form.
21. How should my child dress for camp?
Dressing your child appropriately is important to ensure that your child has a good time at camp. Shorts and t-shirts, closed toed shoes, sneakers preferable, and a sweatshirt are standard dress. No open toed shoes are allowed except on the pool deck. Campers will not be allowed on the Zipline and Climbing Tower without sneakers or hiking shoes.
22. What if it is raining?
In the event that there is liquid sunshine (rain) at camp, activities will be going on as scheduled. Camp is held despite liquid sunshine, so it is helpful to send rain gear with your child.
23. Whom do I notify if my child will be absent from camp?
Parents should call the camp at 203.775.9363.
24. If my child attends camp am I able to get childcare tax credit?
Yes. A tax letter is sent out at the end of the year.
25. Can my child bring personal belongings to camp?
We discourage children from bringing any personal belongings to camp, other than the standard camp gear. This includes cell phones and personal gaming systems. YMCA Camp Greenknoll cannot and will not take responsibility for any personal belongings.
26. Can my child bring their electronic devices to camp?
NO! We strongly encourage our campers to unplug this summer. Staff will bring any visible electronic devices during the camp day to the camp office, where it can be picked up by a parent at the end of the day.
27. What can you tell me about the discipline policy?
It is the goal here at YMCA Camp Greenknoll to provide each camper with a fun, healthy and safe camp experience. Campers are treated equally and responsibility, caring, respect and honesty are the cornerstone for learning and understanding the camp rules and abiding by them. Campers may be given a time out and the opportunity to discuss the problem with the staff. If progress were difficult, we would ask you to help. If this is not productive, a day away from camp will be discussed. Should behavior continue to be a problem after a full day time out, then the child may be asked not to return to camp. A Code of Conduct is included in the registration information. It must be reviewed with your campers and signed.
28. Should I pack sunscreen and bug repellent?
Absolutely! If your child is sensitive to bug bites and sun, both are recommended. We ask you apply sunscreen in the morning before coming to camp. Younger campers will receive help applying sunscreen and older campers will be supervised. Campers will be encouraged to reapply during the day.
29. How Many Times Does My Child Swim?
Most campers will swim twice per day. Morning swim is instruction and afternoon is recreational swim. A bathing suit and towel are necessary. It is helpful to have children use a backpack of some kind so they can keep track of their belongings. Clearly marking your child’s name on all clothing and towels will reduce the possibility of lost items.
30. What If My Child Can’t Touch The Bottom In The Shallow End?
Any child that cannot touch the bottom or is not a good swimmer, which is determined by our Red Cross Certified lifeguards, must wear a life vest. The camp provides life vests. Campers are given a break-away necklace which is used to identify where in the pool they can be. This is for the safety of all our campers.
31. How Do Swim Lessons Work?
Each Monday, children are evaluated and placed in the appropriate swim level. During the week, children are taught based on the evaluations. At the end of the week, children are retested; some children may remain at their level and some may move up to the next level.
SWIM BASICS – Recommended skills for all to have around water

SWIM STROKES – Skills to support a healthy lifestyle